TayPEOLC Education

Palliative Care MCN Education Update

The palliative care education project, Project ECHO is now complete. Evaluation evidenced the need for a substantive education post. A Band 7 Practice Educator is now in Post.

The Education Team are now working collaboratively across Tayside delivering an Education programme and responding to educational requests.

ECHO (Extension of Community Healthcare Outcomes) which links groups using video-technology and forms ‘communities of practice’ that learn from and with each other continues. ECHO has been used successfully throughout the world to disseminate and share knowledge and expertise across many healthcare disciplines.

Project ECHO uses a hub and spoke model which connects participants with the Specialist Palliative Care team at the hub. Each session is interactive with a teaching focus and case based discussion and support. 

Feedback from previous ECHO groups included:

  • A new experience for us-overall it was excellent’
  • ‘Well facilitated and everyone has the opportunity to express their view’
  • ‘Interesting to hear similar experiences from others, whilst at the same time learning from other care homes’


The Education team are exploring the opportunities for other ECHO groups.

For further information on any aspect of Project ECHO please contact the team at Cornhill Macmillan Centre on tay.echopalliativecare@nhs.scot
